Sunday, December 04, 2005

Some Random Bits

I found a fun site that presents The Magazine Covers of the Future.

It is really a website for the Magazine Publishers of America, but some of their ideas are funny.


In my Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire review, I noted that there were problems with the movie. Well, this website goes into much more detail, with considerably more anger than I. But we both agree that the cuts made for this movie would seem to have negative repercussions on the potential directions for the next movies. (And yes, there are spoilers. You have been warned.)


Here is some video of Lynda trying to get into the Christmas spirit. Unfortunately, I had to do a wee bit of work (hardly any at all . . . I just like to complain) to make it happen.


Just finished watching Trainspotting.

A good movie. Not redeeming or anything . . . hey, its about drug addicts and scuzzy individuals. But, it was well acted and engaging.

Plus, there is something fun about Scots and Scottish accents. Maybe that is why I like Billy Boyd a whole lot (He played Pippin in LotR.). And I've always liked Ewan MacGregor. He was definitely the most interesting thing about all of the Star Wars movies.

Funnily, I remember when Trainspotting came out, people talked about how gut-wrenching it was and how dirty and filthy everything was. And while it wasn't an afternoon spent in a museum contemplating Monet, it wasn't gross or anything. Have I become numb or has the culture changed since then or is it something else entirely?


[updated Monday morning--and then I'll leave this post alone]

Yesterday I handled one of the communion chalices for the first time in our new church. And, I swear (though I know this can't be true) it felt like I was being hazed as the new guy. Now, I have been a chalice bearer before, for several years, in fact. But we have been getting our feet wet slowly at our new church. Plus they don't need us to do everything.

But anyway, I am standing up there with the smaller intinction cup (so people can dip their communion bread rather than drink from the chalice). And it seemed like EVERYONE from my half of the main aisle was in line for me rather than the chalice.

Naturally, this makes sense . . . people have colds and don't want to spread germs (even though the chalice lip is cleaned after every sip). But it really felt like 80 percent of the communicants were waiting on me.

In public I don't react well when people are waiting on me. I get a bit nervous and slightly flustered. So, rather than focusing on the sacredness of the ritual, I was thinking about how everyone was waiting on me, worrying about not spilling anything, feeling my leg muscles cramp, just being generally uncomfortable.

Next time, I hope the first-time-back jitters will be gone and I can focus more.


David said...

Go back, Jack. I randomly updated with more randomness late last night. You might have something to say about either of the new things?

Anonymous said...


I read the other review of Goblet of Fire. IMHO this reviewer goes a little far with all the complaints about what was omitted. For the most part I can accept the omissions as being necessities when compressing an 800 page book into a 2 1/2 hour movie. However I did agree with a few things he mentioned - his comments about Dumbledore were spot-on. Both V and I were surprised that Newell allowed Gambon to stalk around and scream so much. Pushing Harry up against the glass case? Screaming "Silence" at the top of his lungs? Have these guys not read the books? (In point of fact - Mr. Gambon admitted he had not read them during his publicity interview as seen on the "bonus" DVD of Prisoner of Azkaban). Even when I saw the trailer several months ago I remember thinking, "What is Dumbledore screaming about?"

Also the one omission he mentions which I was expecting to see was the "parting of the ways" scene between Dumbledore and Fudge. To me this is the pivotal moment of not only this book but the whole series, and I was surprised that the line was left out. Interestingly, though, a similar line was spoken under different circumstances earlier in the movie. When Amos Diggory and Mr. Weasley go to their separate tents at the Quidditch World Cup, one says to the other, "Parting of the ways, old chap". When I heard it I thought it was a bit of clever foreshadowing because it really has no impact in the scene in which it is spoken. I think they tried to make up for it when they had Hermione say, "everything's going to change now, isn't it?" during the last scene but the impact was not the same. As a matter of fact that is the scene that V. has commented most about because she thought Hermione was saying this in a frivolous manner since immediately before the line was spoken the three of them had been joking about something (as I remember it). We are still arguing over that.

I was also a little disappointed with Rita Skeeter not being villanous enough. And what was with Barty Jr.'s lip-licking? Nervous tic or Slytherin sympathies? And was Moaning Myrtle trying to put a move on
Harry in the tub? WTF?? And Voldermort's nasal slits? Was it just questionable make-up or was his nose digitally altered to be co-planar with the rest of his face? Yes, I think "prance" is a good word to describe his movements in the graveyard. It was a little distracting - sort of like the child-catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The pre-transformation Voldemort looked rather Yoda-ish when he was being carried by Wormtail. And he was being carried on Wormtail's forearm (just like a Yoda puppet would have been - Frank Oz please phone home). And, and, and......oh wait a minute. For the last few weeks I had been thinking I had enjoyed the movie but now after reading the review.....maybe I have to reconsider. Just kidding.


David said...

MSquared! Thanks for the lengthy, though-provoking post.

Sorry I ruined a good movie for you. I agree with all of your comments, but wasn't as bothered by the loss of the "parting of the ways" scene. In fact, I didn't really notice it. But, I think it will be easier to solve that problem with some exposition in the beginning of movie 5. Something similar could be done with Rita Skeeter. Maybe she goes on a libel spree during the summer while Harry is at the Dursleys. In fact, that very element might give justification for Harry being such a angry git during movie 5. Think of it, he is reading Skeeter's lies in The Daily Prophet every day but he is trapped on Privet Drive and can't do anything to stop it. Someone get me Steve Kloves email!

Creating "Dumbledore's Army" is going to be more problematic.

I haven't really enjoyed Gambon's Dumbledore, but I wasn't in love with Richard Harris' version either. The problem is, as others have noted, Dumbledore becomes more important from now on, so having Gambon handle it (when he doesn't even "know" the character) is troubling. Harris didn't have to do much, because he didn't have much to do.