Since Tegan has been gone on a business trip to Texas, I've been watching the girls. And for the most part they have been fine. Ruth has been sleeping well at night and while Ariel was feverish over the weekend, I took her to the doctor on Monday and he have some antibiotic that has helped prevent more fever. They both cough a bit at night, but not chronically. Ariel is taking some (doctor-prescribed) cold medicine that has been helping her sleep . . ..
. . . with the exception of last night. She woke me up last night around 1: 15 and promptly threw up on the carpet. The medicine didn't sit well. But it got cleaned up and she slept in the bed with me for the rest of the night.
Today I was running around everywhere trying to get things done. Tomorrow I register Ariel for kindergarten and so I was trying to get paperwork completed--including finding Ariel's birth certificate which is who knows where. I took off during lunch but could find it in all the likely places around the house. So I drove to the city health department and they were very efficient in getting me a new one. I was expecting a terrible wait, but they handled everything very well and I couldn't be more pleased.
But, since I had effectively given up my afternoon, I came home and mowed grass that needed mowing. Then I had to make a decision on what color shingle to put on our new roof which might be going up next week--significantly ahead of schedule. Now, if only the home equity credit line will hurry up. Otherwise the payment is going on the credit card (which has enough of a credit limit and which would be paid off immediately--but only if the credit line comes available before the credit card payment appears.)
Then it was pick up the girls from daycare, fix dinner (of which they ate very little--so no dessert for them), then bath for Ruth, pjs, and bed. Ariel was occupied by "Peter Pan" while this was going on. Then she got to bed without any fuss at all (thank you God!).
And then I got to watch my Wednesday night shows. Luckily LOST was a rerun, because it took until 8:30ish to finish all of the above. But Alias was new and I am really upset with myself for not coming up with the awesome name of "Arvin Clone" for the Joey Grey character that is impersonating Sloane. But other than that, the episode was good--I am glad that Rimbaldi is coming back . . . can Spandex be far behind?
Smallville was also surprisingly good, considering that it was a prom episode. But, still . . . good, even if it felt like the writers don't think the show is coming back next year.
But, there are other things to discuss too. As I mentioned a few days ago, we had a very social weekend. How social?
So social that there were CHICKENS involved!! Yeah . . . another awesome party at Lulu's and fun was had by all.

It must have been a great party, however, because Stretch and his mythical wife showed up for the first time EVER!!

In other news of recent accomplishments, I am pleased to report that I can mark off several items from the list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I realized that in the last few weeks I have getting #1 done, accomplished #s 4, 5 (unexpectedly), 11, 16, 74, and 90 (with help). I might get this whole list done after all!
Here is photographic proof of two of them:

#4 Paint guest room--notice dramatic green accent wall? I suggested that we try that!!

Here is photographic proof of two of them:

#4 Paint guest room--notice dramatic green accent wall? I suggested that we try that!!

This is #11. Paint Ariel's room. Notice the recurring theme of the accent wall? I suggested that we continue it. Ariel picked the colors--strawberryish and a light pink. We need to do a second coat on the light pink, but it is still a nice improvement on the old color.
So, that's it for this post. If you don't like it, Ruth says . . . tough!!

I thought Smallville was quite good until the end. Why--oh why--would he dance with Lana instead of Chloe?
Thank you, Al and Miles . . . rat bastards.
In other news, I graduated from High School in 1999, and yet I am still concerning myself with such things as fake TV proms.
I'm in complete agreement on Smallville - I always feel bad for Chloe. Doesn't Clark see it? I guess I can relate to Chloe, because that was me in high school?
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