Wednesday, May 06, 2020


Sarah finishes the spring semester of her sophomore year of college today.
Grace and Hannah have about two more weeks of the official school calendar. 

Grace is preparing to take three unusually-presented AP Exams in those next two weeks, along with finishing up her classwork. 

Hannah is wrapping up her first year of Middle School by closing out Sixth Grade with final reading assignments, completing research paper projects, taking weekly quizzes.

None of them are reaching these milestones in the environments they could have imagined. None of them wanted to talk to their teachers through video chats. Definitely, none of them wanted a parent to serve as their daily goad for getting work done. 

But they have persevered. And they have done well. They are succeeding, despite the circumstances. And their success is due to their inherent skill, desire, and goal-setting . . . not because of any pushes or pulls that Lynda or I have started. (Despite our presence in some cases--as they would likely remind you, were you here to ask.)

So--today's note is simply an acknowledgment of who they are and the challenges they are overcoming.

Good for them. Because they are good.

1 comment:

Mom said...

We’ll said, David and kudos to all of you.