This year, we are both significantly busier than we were last summer at this time. Not a night goes by that T. doesn't have to do some work or consider going back to the office to do work there. I am also fairly busy, but nowhere as busy as her.
The first job in any party prep is to decide on a theme. And while "Little Mermaid" was a no-brainer last year, neither Ariel nor Tegan and I could figure out what to settle on this year. We discussed many things. I pushed for "Kim Possible" because I think it is a funny show. But in the end, we went back to that old stand-by programmed deep within a little-girl's heart--PRINCESS!!
So, once we got that out of the way, then what exactly would be done? When? How? It was very difficult to get the details worked out. And so, we . . .
outsourced the party preparation this year! I feel a bit sheepish about this as it seems like such a Yuppie/Starbucks kind of thing to do . . . and because I didn't have a whole lot to do with the preparations to begin with. So, I am a loser no matter what.
But, we did what we did. And, in the end, I think that everything worked out well . . . or so I was told. I wasn't there. It was MY job to take Ruth away and make sure she didn't disrupt the situation. Maybe an over-reaction, but I thought (and Tegan agreed) that it was best to be safe. Hopefully Ruth will forgive us some day.
The party planner came at 3 pm on Sunday. I took Ruth out of the house before then and we spent the afternoon playing in the kid's area at the mall and then having a little bit of fun at the local swimming pool. After all of that we went out to eat.
What I know of the party itself comes from the pictures that Tegan took and what she told me about the event.
Ultimately, I think that everything went well. That is especially true since we had it all figured out within a week's time. So, enjoy the pictures, since I seem to have run out of ideas for this post.
Here is Ariel with more of her friends. You can see that there were some boys at this party (three to be exact) and while the girls dressed as princesses, the boys got to be knights. The party planner had three knight costumes, and luckily there were three boys who accepted our invitation.
Are you and your wife REALLY that busy that you have to pay someone to plan a party for YOUR daughter? Reading this, and the previous post, it sounds as if one of you is spending way too much time working on the wrong thing-your daughters. :(
I want to answer calmly.
We chose to do this and I chose to write about it, so its all fair game, right?
Forget it. I can't respond to this now.
If I disappoint you, well, chalk it up to the first of many opportunities.
Stay tuned for more chances to be saddened by what I do.
No. I WILL comment.
Sometimes people complain that people with children get all kinds of breaks, that society is created to benefit them over those without children.
Well, right now Tegan and I are holding down demanding jobs that are taking a lot out of her time. Blame ME for not doing enough, fine. But, don't anyone blame her.
She is trying to hold together a very taxing, demanding project at work and she is busting her ASS harder than anyone. She stays late; she goes back to the office; she is working herself to death, because they have put her in charge and she can't just leave it all at 5 pm. I'd say more, but I can't.
So, fine. It's my fault for not planning the party and doing it ourselves.
But even so, you don't know the whole story because I didn't include it all. Amazingly enough, there are some things that I keep private.
Thanks Jack.
Your comment made me laugh and that is a valuable thing today.
Next time, Burb, you need to have a child on a cool holiday (NOT Christmas or Thanksgiving for "sharing" and "decidedly boring" reasons, respectively).
I'm a busy career-person, too. That's why I had MY child on the Fourth of July. It's a built-in party for the rest of the child's life. No need to plan! Your respective town/city council has already made all of the arrangements.
Next time . . . plan ahead!
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