Friday, October 15, 2004

Is That a Real Poncho?

The hideous new trend afflicting America. By Amanda Fortini

This is unsettling.
I was all in favor of the resurgence of the poncho, especially for my four-year-old daughter Ariel. I have seen several young girls at church wearing ponchos that are very cute.

Plus, Tegan is knitting a lot lately and this would (seem to) be something she could create easily and cheaply and it would be fashionable and our kids could be hip and not get picked on and ridiculed and stuff.

But now, Slate (in article linked above) says "Hey loser! Stop wearing those clothing monstrosities!"

What to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[days later]
...i kind of like the ponchos.
. when are you going to post again?...
