Did you know that Season 4 begins this Sunday?
Will Dean make it in time? And will he keep his sanity? I doubt it . . . on both questions. Click back through the last few days of posts to catch up on parts 1 through 5.
[A note on the Night's Watch sigil image below. I don't think the Night's Watch actually has an official sigil, as they renounce all such ties south of the Wall when they say the words. But some sort of thematic consistency is needed. I liked this piece of art that captures the style well and hits the right iconic notes. I mean, I could have chosen this instead, alright?]
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credit: m5.paperblog.com |
Jeor Mormont, Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch
Status: Dead, killed by Rast at Craster’s Keep
Why he matters: He headed up the Night’s Watch. He groomed Jon Snow as his eventual replacement. He is hard to kill.
Jon Snow, bastard son of Eddard Stark
Status: Alive! At Castle Black
Why he matters: He is the only member of the Night’s Watch who knows of the eminent wildling attack. Although, according to Ygritte, he knows nothing. R+L=J
Maester Aemon, Maester of Castle Black
Status: Alive! At Castle Black
Why he matters: He had the opportunity to become king but refused. He convinces Jon Snow to keep his vows when Eddard Stark is imprisoned.
Benjen Stark, First Ranger
Status: Unknown, somewhere north of the Wall
Why he matters: He is Jon Snow’s uncle. It was his influence that led Jon Snow to join the Night’s Watch.
Yoren, wandering crow
Status: Dead, killed by Amory Lorch
Why he matters: He removed Arya Stark from King’s Landing preventing her from being taken hostage by the Lannisters
Samwell Tarly, steward to Maester Aemon
Status: Alive! At Castle Black
Why he matters: He saved Gilly from the mutiny at Craster’s Keep. He knows how to kill White Walkers (with Dragonglasss). Sam is awesome.
Alliser Thorne, Master-at-Arms at Castle Black
Status: Alive, on his way to Castle Black
Why he matters: Alliser tries to get the new recruits to hate Jon Snow. Jeor Mormont sends him to King’s Landing to warn them of the White Walkers. He is ignored.
Qhorin Halfhand, Ranger
Status: Dead, killed by Jon Snow
Why he matters: He sacrifices himself to Jon Snow so that Jon will be trusted by the Wildlings and can eventually warn the Night’s Watch of the massive army of Wildlings marching to the Wall.
Janos Slynt, recruit of the Night’s Watch, former commander of the King’s Landing City Watch
Status: Alive, on his way to King’s Landing
Why he matters: He carried out Joffrey’s orders to massacre Robert Bartheon’s bastards. Tyrion sent him to the Night’s Watch. Bronn becomes Commander of the Watch in his stead.
Lommy Greenhands, recruit
Status: Dead, killed by Polliver
Why he matters: Arya claims that Lommy is actually Gendry, sparing Gendry from the fate of the other Baratheon bastards.
Rast, ranger, rapist
Status: Unknown
Why he matters: He starts the mutiny by stabbing and killing Jeor Mormont. Is a huge jerk.
Gren, Ranger
Status: Unknown, last seen at the Mutiny at Craster’s Keep
Why he matters: Jon Snow breaks his nose. Appears to side against the mutineers at the Mutiny at Craster’s Keep by attacking Karl.
Matthar, Ranger
Status: Unknown
Why he matters: The Night’s Watch needs all the Rangers it can get.
Balian, Ranger
Status: Unknown
Why he matters: The Night’s Watch needs all the Rangers it can get.
Jafer Flowers, Ranger, wight, traveling hand
Status: Dead, killed beyond the wall and then at Castle Black
Why he matters: He was accompanying Benjen Stark who was not among the dead. He comes back to life after being killed. +Flowers’s hand was brought to King’s Landing to convince them about the return of the White Walkers.
Othor, Ranger, wight
Status: Dead, killed beyond the Wall and then rekilled by Jon Snow
Why he matters: He was accompanying Benjen Stark who was not among the dead. He comes back to life after being killed. The White Walkers are back.
Will, Ranger, deserter
Status: Dead, beheaded by Eddard Stark for desertion
Why he matters: His death show that Eddard Stark lives by an uncompromising code. He is the first person to bring back news of the White Walkers, but no one believes him.
Gared, Ranger
Status: Dead, killed by a White Walker
Why he matters: Along with Waymar Royce he was the first death on Game of Thrones. There are zombie creatures beyond the Wall. That seems important too.
Waymar Royce, Ranger
Status: Dead, killed by a White Walker
Why he matters: Along with Gared he was the first death on Game of Thrones. Oh hey, and there are zombies. Creepy.
Jaremy Rykker, acting First Ranger
Status: Alive, at Castle Black
Why he matters: He led the new recruits to take their vows in the Godswood. He brings the Wights back to Castle Black.
Bowen Marsh, First Steward
Status: Alive, at Castle Black
Why he matters: He helps bring the bodies of Othor and Jafer Flowers back to Castle Black. Oh no, wights!
Pypar “Pyp”, Steward
Status: Alive! At Castle Black
Why he matters: He is one of the few Night’s Watch members who are definitively alive. He goes along with Jon Snow’s plans.
Hobb, Steward and Cook
Status: Alive! At Castle Black
Why he matters: He cooks the food. Every castle needs a cook.
Karl, Steward
Status: Unknown, last seen at Craster’s Keep
Why he matters: He insults Craster and helps kick off the Mutiny at Craster’s Keep. He kills Craster.
Eddison “Dolorous Edd” Tollett, Steward
Status: Unknown, last seen at Craster’s Keep
Why he matters: He is the Eeyore of the Night’s Watch.
Otthell Yarwyck, Chief Builder
Status: Unknown, last seen at Craster’s Keep
Why he matters: He’s in charge of maintaining the Wall and the castles. That seems important seeing as there are zombies and wildlings intent on attacking and killing everyone on the other side.
Halder, Builder
Status: Alive! Building things.
Why he matters: Builders maintain the Wall. There are hostile elements on the other side of the Wall. Builders are important.
Toad, Builder
Status: Alive! Building things.
Why he matters: Builders maintain the Wall. There are hostile elements on the other side of the Wall. Builders are important.
Harker, Ranger
Status: Dead, killed by wildlings
Why he matters: Jon Snow’s hesitance to kill Ygritte leads to the death of Qhorin’s scouting group.
Borba, Ranger
Status: Dead, killed by wildlings
Why he matters: Jon Snow’s hesitance to kill Ygritte leads to the death of Qhorin’s scouting group.
Stonesnake, Ranger
Status: Dead, killed by wildlings
Why he matters: Jon Snow’s hesitance to kill Ygritte leads to the death of Qhorin’s scouting group.
Bannen, ranger
Status: Dead, broke his foot
Why he matters: Dying of a broken foot sucks.
Dareon, steward
Status: Alive! At Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
Why he matters: According to Samwell he often sings at meal-time. That’s nice.
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