Monday, July 01, 2019

Party Month 2019: Happy Birthday no. 2

It's the first of July, so its time for the annual tradition of Party Month. For those of you who don't know Party Month represents a sequence of:

Grace's birthday (July 26)
Lynda's birthday (July 1)
Wedding anniversary (July 8)
Sarah's birthday (July 22)


Lynda's birthday is today and while it feels like this week is exceptionally busy, I do hope that we all take some time to celebrate her and acknowledge how important she is in our family life and in the community that we have created here.

Lynda is so committed to her work and her goals and to our family and to improving the world. (The only problem with establishing the precedent of Party Month every year is that I need to find new and more significant ways to say how great everyone is each year without sounding redundant or trite. And I hope that it doesn't come across that way.)

Simply states, Lynda is so important to me. She is my partner. She is my sounding board. She puts up with my moods and my failings. She helps me think about things beyond my nose. I'm so glad to share my days with her and so I'm very glad to take a moment to remind all of you to celebrate her as well.

So, happy birthday my love! Thank you for all the things you do. I hope you take time this week to reflect on the good things in life and to see how your presence has helped create some of that good as well.

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