I use RSS feeds every day. I keep up with almost every blog and website that I read on a regular basis via a subscription to that site's RSS feed. I offer my own RSS feed for Why Won't You Grow?! and encourage everyone to think about using it. (You can access the feed via the link in the sidebar to the right, under the helpful heading Why Won't You RSS?!
(Incidentally, I found this video while I was investigating Twitter. Do any of you have any opinions on Twitter? It seems that this is the hot new thing and I'm always interested in jumping on the bandwagon of the hot new thing. If you have opinions or thoughts on it, please let me know.)
Enjoy the video. The very clever (and stylish) people at commoncraft.com put it together for you.
If you want to seem an example of MY Google Reader page, here it is
dude, Twitter is SO March 2008.
(i can't seem to keep up my twitter page nor attract any Followers.)
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