Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bob Evans=newscaster heaven

After church today, we decided to go to Bob Evans for lunch.

While we are juggling the positions of 2.5 kids and coats, a car seat, warming up a bottle, and trying to get our name in the queue for a table, I notice a familiar face walk by in a black turtleneck and jeans.

Why it's none other than local TV anchorman Kent Brockman . . . I mean Kent Justice. Yep, another trip to Bob Evans and another close encounter with a local TV personality.

Years ago, the family saw Bob Nunnally at a Bob Evans in Hilliard. We were having a lunch with our old church's priest at that time.

Now its Kent Justice at a Bob Evans in New Albany.

(And once before, we worship alongside Clay Hall at the huge Lutheran church in Hilliard.)

One can only assume that the newscasters of Ohio are a godly bunch that really enjoy that farm fresh taste.

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